Sunday, October 2, 2011

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez sharing a hotel room is just wrong

This past week Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were both filming music videos in Tennessee and afterward they decided it would be a great idea to share a hotel room. While I know they are a couple, I have to say that I find this information disturbing.

Justin Bieber is only 17 and Selena Gomez, while she is technically an adult, is only 19. Am I the only one who thinks that these two sharing a hotel room is inappropriate at their age?

The fact that Bieber is still a minor should be enough reason to deny these two from shacking up together. Where are their parents? Are they too busy spending all the money that their children make that they don't have time to do a proper job raising their children?

If the roles were reversed and it was  Gomez who was the minor I guarantee you that more people would have a problem with this situation. But, because of the double standard regarding younger men and older women, nothing is said about how wrong it is for a 17 year old boy sharing a hotel room with a 19 year old woman.

Acceptance of this kind of behavior is exactly what is wrong with this country nowadays regarding morals and our culture. All this permissive be havior has completely changed this country for the worse and is a contributing factor to the downfall of America in the world today.

If we want to get this country back on the right track we need to stop accepting this kind of behavior from our pop icons. They have a huge influence on our children and it is hard enough to raise kids without having to deal with their hero's acting inappropriately

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